Thursday, January 19, 2006

WNEP TV - School Alerts via Short Code (65577)

All the school alerts systems I have seen, and there are quite a few providers, utilize smpp to send an alert to a mobile phones email address. Why is that? Must be because it's free for the sender. Sending text messages via a short code cost the sender money.

WNEP TV alerts are sponsored by: Toyota, ESSA Bank & Trust. I imagine because it is sponsored (paid by advertising) they decided to use a short code instead of free smpp. The smpp alerts seem to be all non-commercial and therefore tolerated by the carriers. That's just my guess.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For years we used SMTP (e-mail) for our text alerts to cell phones. But we started to have problems when our subscriber base grew. AT&T started to block our SMTPs because we were sending too many. Their limit was something like 100/minute.

We also had problems with alerts arriving late, if at all.

Using SMPP solved both of these problems.

As for the advertisers, we added the advertisers when we went to SMPP to pay for it. Our original SMTP alerts did not have advertisers.

3:50 PM  

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