CitiSearch (IAC/InterActiveCorp) - CS411 (27411)
IAC through CitiSearch provides mobile search.
From the website ( "CS411 enables you to send queries as text messages over your mobile phone..." and get "...local business listings."
I don't know where they promote the service. I wouldn't have known about it if someone had not added it through the form on the USShortCodesWhois site.
I texted 'pizza.22031' and got four messages in response. Each one with a listing and all saying "Sponsored by Bertolli" at the bottom of the message, though not a single listing was for Bertolli. So I google Bertolli and found that they are a food company. Ok, so what's the point of the sponsorship.
From the website ( "CS411 enables you to send queries as text messages over your mobile phone..." and get "...local business listings."
I don't know where they promote the service. I wouldn't have known about it if someone had not added it through the form on the USShortCodesWhois site.
I texted 'pizza.22031' and got four messages in response. Each one with a listing and all saying "Sponsored by Bertolli" at the bottom of the message, though not a single listing was for Bertolli. So I google Bertolli and found that they are a food company. Ok, so what's the point of the sponsorship.
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