SMS has gone to the dogs (36863=FOUND)
This must be the year of mobile marketing, or mobile something. Now dogs are using SMS. How do they do that you ask? On, you will read that "Using this proprietary feature allows you to get your pets position on demand simply by dialing F-O-U-N-D from your cell phone." You didn't actually think that the dogs were doing the texting.
I keep Wizard, my beagle, in the yard by using an Invisible Fence. He rarely strays because getting shocked is no fun. Occassionaly, he gets out because the battery is , there is a hot dog (I was going to say bitch, but I don't want to get characterized as vulgar, as well as spam) on the outside, or something.
For $349.99, I will always no where he is, assuming battery isn't , collar hasn't been removed, or he is out of coverage (aka a spot). As I already have the Invisible Fence, I won't get it, but still this is very cool.
I keep Wizard, my beagle, in the yard by using an Invisible Fence. He rarely strays because getting shocked is no fun. Occassionaly, he gets out because the battery is , there is a hot dog (I was going to say bitch, but I don't want to get characterized as vulgar, as well as spam) on the outside, or something.
For $349.99, I will always no where he is, assuming battery isn't , collar hasn't been removed, or he is out of coverage (aka a spot). As I already have the Invisible Fence, I won't get it, but still this is very cool.
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