Friday, February 24, 2006

DayMob says "Get Cool Stuff for Your Mobile!" (67337)

DayMob is a new service I think. They advertise themselves as Beta. Check'em out at

DayMob offers "free" content such as ringtones, pictures, jokes, and dating tips. It is an ad supported service that will also send you "carefully selected messages from our sponsors."

Ping me with mobile coupons (PING2=74642)

Another mobile coupon service. This is not the first and not the last. The thing that bugs me though is lack of pricing information for advertisers. Check'em out at

SMS has gone to the dogs (36863=FOUND)

This must be the year of mobile marketing, or mobile something. Now dogs are using SMS. How do they do that you ask? On, you will read that "Using this proprietary feature allows you to get your pets position on demand simply by dialing F-O-U-N-D from your cell phone." You didn't actually think that the dogs were doing the texting.

I keep Wizard, my beagle, in the yard by using an Invisible Fence. He rarely strays because getting shocked is no fun. Occassionaly, he gets out because the battery is , there is a hot dog (I was going to say bitch, but I don't want to get characterized as vulgar, as well as spam) on the outside, or something.

For $349.99, I will always no where he is, assuming battery isn't , collar hasn't been removed, or he is out of coverage (aka a spot). As I already have the Invisible Fence, I won't get it, but still this is very cool.

Friday, February 17, 2006

More Ringtones, Games, and Wallpaper (68000)

This won't be the last entry for ringtones, games, and wallpaper. Oasys Mobile is another provider, formerly Summus Inc. Yes, I know, I prefer the new name too.

They are doing some creative things. Read about their password-protected online locker at They have also been doing some buzz marketing with pherotones. I wanted to sample 'veni. veni. veni.' but I didn't want my neighbors to know, so I didn't.

Fox Reality TV (76666)

I have never been a fan of Reality TV. But if you are and even want to get news, gossip, recap or casting announcements via SMS, then go for it. The subscription is $9.99 per month...still interested. Check it out at

Mobile Marketing at mUrgent (mCode=62633)

Thanks to DC (those are someone's initials) for letting me know that mCode (62633) was missing from the Whois Directory.

62633 belongs to mUrgent Corp. who says at that "mUrgent Corporation specializes in customer e-communication and retention strategies." I sent 'help' which is a mandated Mobile Marketing Association keyword but got no response. On the website it says to send 'murgent' to 62633 so I did. My phone then started ringing, I picked up, and was speaking to an operator to direct my call. Oh well, I didn't know what to expect.

A Huge Yeti spotted in NYC (4YETI)

Walt Disney and Siemens USA (Sylvania) have teamed up to put a giant poster of a Yeti in NYC. He, or she, flashes his, or her, eyes at you. And you can text 'Disney' to 4YETI, but that is where it becomes a major let down. The SMS you get back tells you to go to a website and register for a sweepstakes for a Disney vacation. On my Nokia 6230, I see a website not optimized for mobile, so basically not mobile.

An text-to-win sweepstakes that requires you to enter from a browser on a PC. Yuck!

Read the press release titled "The Eyes Have It: The Big Apple Faces Ferocious Glare of Legendary Yeti Thanks to SYLVANIA Technology" at .

Texting all Filipinos in the US (98556)

Wallpapers and ringtones is nothing new under the sun. However, an ethnic focus on Filipinos living in the US was news to me when I read the press release, titled "Naks Mobile – Launch of Filipino Mobile Entertainment Service in the United States" at

Filipinos who speak Tagalog as first language are one of the largest non-English native speaking groups in the United States. I read that on a US census site a few years back. That still leaves a few more groups and languages worth targeting.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Horoscopes and Jokes AND Sweepstakes (56687)

So you say, what do we need more horoscopes and jokes for? Well, I dunno know. But, through in sweepstakes as well and I think has something different than the other guys. Enjoy and Good Luck!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

SMS Auction via short code 41414 (LIMBO)

Of the thirteen codes posted this week, the most innovative of the week and in the top ten of all time for sure is LIMBO. I thought this was very creative use of SMS. Check out and see for yourself. Although what really intrigued me was the statement on their website that Limbo is partially supported by "The phone networks who share their text messaging revenue with us." Now, have not heard of anyone claiming this before. I wonder if it has something to do with fact that they say that "We’ve created leading mobile companies including Enpocket, Mobliss, iLoop, and Mobiico." As Mobliss is an SMS aggregator, maybe they do earn revenue from the carriers.

Best Pictures of the Week

Of the thirteen new codes mentioned in previous post, the award for best pictures goes to short codes 84848 and 91000. Check out and find link to their websites.

13 More Short Codes Added

Since the US Short Codes WHOIS directory was mentioned on and, site visitors have let us know about 13 more short codes in the US. And we got an all time high of site visitors as well. It's nice to see others benefit from the site - after all that was the reason for doing it.

I have added the following:

Wireless Introduction Network, Inc. (aka Zogo)
Wireless Dating

Bonus Mobile Entertainment
Mobile game

Bonus Mobile Entertainment
Mobile game

Limbo, Inc.

Transact Group Ltd. (aka Cellfonefun)
Ringtones, wallpapers, etc.

emap metro, LLC
Ringtones, wallpapers, etc.

Lagardere Active North America, Inc.

Lagardere Active North America, Inc.
Ringtones, wallpapers, etc.

Lagardere Active North America, Inc.
Ringtones, wallpapers, etc.

New Motion, Inc
Wallpaper, games

New Motion, Inc

New Motion, Inc
Ringtones, Horoscopes

10806, Inc
Sports alerts

Monday, February 06, 2006

Comment Posted on Pondering Primate

The Pondering Primate informed me of the Press Release regarding 6 digit short codes and gave a nice plug for as well.

You can read my response below or even better read his post and comments at the source:

This is indeed news for brands. The press release touts this as "increasing the amount of usable CSCs to nearly one million," but the lack of available 5 digit numbers in the United States is definitely not the reason for this. It is doubtful that more than 10% of the US five digit codes were in use. (Only 130 have been found and listed on so far) This is not about expanding the number of available CSCs, this is about expanding the number of brands who can get a vanity code required to convert a brand name to a sequence of keypad numbers.

I don't envision a rush to register codes. At $1000 per month for a vanity code, as opposed to $500 per month for a random code, it is not cheap. And this is only part of the cost. An aggregator is required to get access to carriers, increasing monthly and setup costs. This is not like registering and parking a domain for $2.99 and waiting for Google to come along and buy 466453.

CTIA - The Wireless Association(R) and NeuStar Expand Common Short Code (CSC) Agreement, Enabling Broader Appeal to Consumer Brands

WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- CTIA - The WirelessAssociation(R) and NeuStar, Inc. (NYSE: NSR), a leading provider of essentialclearinghouse services to the global communications and Internet industry,today announced the planned expansion of the highly successful Common ShortCode (CSC) program. NeuStar operates the CSC Registry under agreement withthe CTIA which serves as the CSC program administrator. Today, CSCs are five-digit numbers. Under the terms of the agreement,CTIA and NeuStar will expand the pool of available CSCs to include six-digitcodes in the CSC Registry, thus increasing the amount of usable CSCs to nearlyone million. CTIA and NeuStar plan to roll out this capability to potentialsubscribers in Spring 2006. Using CSCs, advertisers and content providers have been able to extendtargeted service offerings directly to the handsets of more than 200 millionmobile subscribers of participating wireless carriers. Examples of popularapplications include downloads of content such as ring-back tones and games;mobile search by text messaging; participation in mobile blogs, chat, polls,and quizzes; and subscriptions to news and weather alerts. According to thelatest CTIA research, over seven billion text messages were sent during June2005-a 154% increase over the previous year. In addition to the expanded pool offered by six-digit CSCs, five-digitCSCs will continue to be supported, and new five-digit codes will remainavailable.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

XM Radio

You can request songs for all XM Radio stations online. You can request songs for some XM Radio stations through text messaging. I didn't check it which do and don't. I know that 90s, and 20 on 20 do.

Killington Skiiing (22122)

Those that sign up (by sending “kski” or “kride” to 22122) will receive instant offers as well as other exclusive opportunities throughout the ski season. Such as equipment demos, discounted skiing, lodging, rentals, gear and apparel, invitations to special events, and more.